Macau coming back to life

Coronavirus, which has been first found in mainland of China, Wuhan. The virus has already infected more than 80,000 people in China and has killed almost 3,000 people. Due to many existing risk factors, most of the industries in China decided to take a break and close for some time, due to the safety measures.
Macau is one of the most important cities in China. This is the only city in the whole country, where gambling is legalized. 80% of the revenue in China is generated from Macau. The city almost fully depends on the gambling revenue. The revenue of Macau in a single week is almost the same as revenue in any casino in Las Vegas in a month.
Macau has suffered a lot during the February downturn. The government closed all of the casinos in Macau for two weeks. Casinos were closed for two weeks in order to prevent further spread of the virus. Macau, which is the former Portuguese colony closed all of the casinos, restaurants, and bars in early February.
The revenue of Macau has fallen for almost 88% in considering the last year’s indicator. The gaming state of China has come through some very hard times so far.
There have been 19 cases of coronavirus detected in Macau. The new infection cases have not been detected throughout the past month.
Once the city comes back to ordinary life, the authorities still encourage people to be very careful and to follow the safety rules. As the majority of the visitors of Macau are people from the mainlands of China, the chance of spreading the virus further still exists.
The number of visitors has decreased since the outbreak of the virus, but as the situation is slightly being under control already, everyone is trying to go back to the previous lifestyle.
The authorities have announced that the casinos will soon be opened and they have also expressed their hope that the enthusiasm and the desire of gambling and spending fun time will be a lot stronger than the fear of the virus.
The casinos are trying to maintain the employees and pay off the salaries despite the drastic decrease in the revenue. The employees are also encouraged to follow all of the safety measures while at work. The safety measures include wearing face masks and the following hygiene routine.
One way or another, Macau seems to come back to life sooner or later. Hopefully, the city can get back its previous popularity. Governmental authorities have been trying hard in order to recover from the downfall quickly. They encourage venues and tourists not to panic and to continue working in the same manner.
Due to the coronavirus epidemic, the whole China has introduced safety measures to the country. The country has already lost a huge part of the revenue, but hopefully, the major part can be recovered once the coronavirus epidemic has passed.
The gambling capital of China is not under the risk for now. It has been isolated from the very beginning and people who were infected have already been treated. The new cases have not been detected.
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