Catana Media’s Former CEO Robert Anderson steps down as the Chief in Enlabs

Catena Media is the Stockholm-listed industry affiliate network. It has been established by two childhood friends Erik Bergman and Emil Thidell ack in 2008. Although by that time, the friends’ main aim was to create a consulting agency.
After two years of operating in the house basement Thidell and Bergman decided to move to Malta. This is where they established Catena Media. This time the main focus of the company was a lead generation for online gambling operators. Two friends definitely stepped on Malta’s ground with the right leg, as ever since then the company has been operating very successfully. It was only three years later when the company began a rapid expansion. They entered the Norwegian, Finnish and Swedish markets, so basically reigned whole Scandinavia solo.
In 2014 the company was already strong enough to complete the first acquisitions and bought 9 companies withing two years. The companies were in the UK, Netherlands, and Belgium. By 2015 there were already 50 employees within the company. This was also the year when Robert Andersson was appointed to the position of CEO.
The chiefs in Catena Media
Andersson has been leading the company very effectively and the company has seen big improvement and development during this period. In 2016 Catena Media was listed in the Nasdaq Stockholm First North Premier. This was already a huge success for the small company, which has been operating in the market for only 4 years by that period.
2016 generally, has been a very successful year for Catena Media and chief Andersson has been the reason for that. By the end of 2016, Catena Media acquired several British websites, including the sports statistics and betting tips websites. The total cost was over 13 million Euros. Besides those websites, Catena acquired one of the major casino websites as well,, which cost the company almost 13.5 million Euros.
By the first quarter of 2017, the total revenue of the company was over 15 million Euros. This was a huge success for the company as the revenue increased by 104 percent in comparison to the previous year. Some of the major changes were made during 2017. Catena Media relaunched one of the major slot sites and also purchased some of the major sports websites for the Nordic countries.
Though, exactly the lastly mentioned acquisition made the company face some of the financial difficulties. This was one of the major challenges for Catena Media, as 2017 was the year when chief Robert Andersson reassigned from the position of CEO and left the company and that immediately effected the company itself.
Andersson left the position of the CEO in Catena Media while moving to Enlabs. Though two years seem to be a very difficult period of time to be spent in one company for Andersson, as it has been announced that he was reassigned from the position of CEO in Enlabs and will be replaced by the former COO of Enlabs, George Ustinov.
New Era For Catena Media
While Andersson left the company in a very difficult situation, it was still able to overcome the crisis with Nigel Frith being appointed to further expand its services to the financial sector. Soon after in the first quarter of 2018, Per Hellberg has been appointed as the new CEO of Catena Media. He took the reign of the company by the beginning of June.
Per was a great addition to the team. Due to his great experience of working with the gambling companies, he was able to put the effort and knowledge in the development of Catena Media. According to his interview given after the appointment, he was very motivated to take the journey of growth and further steps of the company. He put together the drive, leadership skills, expertise and knowledge of online lead generation and was able to stabilize the financial situation of the corporation.
In already August 2018, Catena Media closed the sponsorship deal with the German unbeaten female boxing world champion Christina Hammer to promote their German casino site. The company also closed the exclusive affiliate partnership deal with German online casino and became the only affiliate partner of a brand new online casino brand.
So far Per Hellberg remains the CEO of Catena Media and the company continues development and expansion in the Nordica market.
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